What the User should know at a glance
Please note that some provisions in these Terms may only apply to certain categories of Users. In particular, certain provisions may only apply to Consumers or to those Users that do not qualify as Consumers. Such limitations are always explicitly mentioned within each affected clause. In the absence of any such mention, clauses apply to all Users.The right of withdrawal only applies to European Consumers.
Unless otherwise specified, the terms of use detailed in this section apply generally when using Webuppro.
Single or additional conditions of use or access may apply in specific scenarios and in such cases are additionally indicated within this document.
By using Webuppro, Users confirm to meet the following requirements:
- There are no restrictions for Users in terms of being Consumers or Business Users;
- Users aren’t listed on any U.S. Government list of prohibited or restricted parties;
- Users aren’t located in a country that is subject to a U.S. Government embargo, or that has been designated by the U.S. Government as a “terrorist-supporting” country;
Account registration
To use the Service Users must register or create a User account, providing all required data or information in a complete and truthful manner.
Failure to do so will cause unavailability of the Service.
Users are responsible for keeping their login credentials confidential and safe. For this reason, Users are also required to choose passwords that meet the highest standards of strength permitted by Webuppro.
By registering, Users agree to be fully responsible for all activities that occur under their username and password.
Users are required to immediately and unambiguously inform the Owner via the contact details indicated in this document, if they think their personal information, including but not limited to User accounts, access credentials or personal data, have been violated, unduly disclosed or stolen.
Conditions for account registration
Registration of User accounts on Webuppro is subject to the conditions outlined below. By registering, Users agree to meet such conditions.
- Accounts registered by bots or any other automated methods are not permitted.
- Unless otherwise specified, each User must register only one account.
- Unless explicitly permitted, a User account may not be shared with other persons.
Account termination
Users can terminate their account and stop using the Service at any time by doing the following:
- By using the tools provided for account termination on Webuppro.
- By directly contacting the Owner at the contact details provided in this document.
Product description
Prices, descriptions or availability of Products are outlined in the respective sections of Webuppro and are subject to change without notice.
While Products on Webuppro are presented with the greatest accuracy technically possible, representation on Webuppro through any means (including, as the case may be, graphic material, images, colors, sounds) is for reference only and implies no warranty as to the characteristics of the purchased Product.
The characteristics of the chosen Product will be outlined during the purchasing process.
Purchasing process
Any steps taken from choosing a Product to order submission form part of the purchasing process.
The purchasing process includes these steps:
- Users must choose the desired Product and verify their purchase selection.
- After having reviewed the information displayed in the purchase selection, Users may place the order by submitting it.
Order submission
When the User submits an order, the following applies:
- The submission of an order determines contract conclusion and therefore creates for the User the obligation to pay the price, taxes and possible further fees and expenses, as specified on the order page.
- In case the purchased Product requires an action from the User, such as the provision of personal information or data, specifications or special wishes, the order submission creates an obligation for the User to cooperate accordingly.
- Upon submission of the order, Users will receive a receipt confirming that the order has been received.
All notifications related to the described purchasing process shall be sent to the email address provided by the User for such purposes.
Limitation of liability
Unless otherwise explicitly stated and without prejudice to applicable statutory product liability provisions, Users shall have no right to claim damages against the Owner (or any natural or legal person acting on its behalf).
This does not apply to damages to life, health or physical integrity, damages resulting from the breach of an essential contractual obligation such as any obligation strictly necessary to achieve the purpose of the contract, and/or damages resulting from intent or gross negligence, as long as Webuppro has been appropriately and correctly used by the User.
Unless damages have been caused by way of intent or gross negligence, or they affect life, health or physical integrity, the Owner shall only be liable to the extent of typical and foreseeable damages at the moment the contract was entered into.
In particular, within the limits stated above, the Owner shall not be liable for:
- any losses that are not the direct consequence of a breach of the Terms by the Owner;
- any loss of business opportunities and any other loss, even indirect, that may be incurred by the User (such as, but not limited to, trading losses, loss of revenue, income, profits or anticipated savings, loss of contracts or business relationships, loss of reputation or goodwill, etc.);
- damages or losses resulting from interruptions or malfunctions of Webuppro due to acts of force majeure, or unforeseen and unforeseeable events and, in any case, independent of the will and beyond the control of the Owner, such as, but not limited to, failures or disruptions of telephone or electrical lines, the Internet and / or other means of transmission, unavailability of websites, strikes, natural disasters, viruses and cyber attacks, interruptions in the delivery of products, third-party services or applications;
- any damage, prejudice or loss occurring due to viruses or other malware contained in or connected to files available for download from the internet or via Webuppro. Users are responsible for implementing sufficient security measures – such as anti-viruses and firewalls to prevent any such infection or attack and for securing backup copies of all data or information exchanged via or uploaded to Webuppro.
- Notwithstanding the above, the following limitation applies to all Users not qualifying as Consumers:
- In any event of liability, the compensation may not exceed the total payments that have been, will be or would be received by the Owner from the User based on the contract over a period of 12 months, or the period of the duration of the Agreement, if shorter.